What Is The Best Nail Fungus Product – Detailed Funginix Review

Nail fungus is undoubtedly one of the most challenging nail problems to deal with. You most probably landed on this page because you are looking for an effective solution. If that’s the case, look no further.

There are very many nail fungus treatments out there however, most of them don’t work as promised. Just when you think you have dealt with nail fungus once and for all, the fungus returns and you’re back to the start.

What is the best nail fungus product? Let’s find outWhat Is The Best Nail Fungus Product

Funginix is undoubtedly one of the best nail fungus treatments today according to numerous nail fungi treatments reviews online. Let’s take a closer look at the treatment for us to understand why Funginix stands out.

What is Funginix?

It is a topical nail fungus medication or treatment by Sisquoc Healthcare; a company known for making high quality care products for decades. Besides being made in one of the best labs in the U.S., Funginix is made using 100% natural products which have been tested and proven to kill nail fungus safely with no side effects.

Does it really work?

If you judge the products effectiveness by looking at the customer reviews out there, Funginix definitely works. There are very many positive customer reviews attesting to the treatment’s effectiveness.

It is portrayed in a very positive light as the nail fungus treatment to use when you don’t want to waste your money and time.

Almost all customer reviews online about Funginix attest to the fact that the treatment eradicates nail fungus. Let’s however go deeper and discuss the ingredients since they are the main reason behind its effectiveness.


Sisquoc Healthcare spent a lot of time researching on homeopathic and pharmaceutical nail fungus treatments. They then came up with a fool proof formula meant to deal with nail fungus once and for all without interfering with a person’s overall health.

  1. Undercylenic acid: One of the main active ingredients that make up Funginix is Undercylenic Acid. The acid is an FDA approved organic substance acquired from castor oil which is a popular ingredient in nail fungus and athlete’s foot treatments. Castor oil prevents the growth and spread of fungus by disrupting the biological processes of fungus.
  2. Camphor: Funginix also contains camphor which is derived from certain mint leaves and wood. Camphor has antimicrobial and anesthetic properties.
  3. Tea tree oil: This ingredient is derived from a plant known as the Melaleuca alternifolia. The plant’s oil has antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties which work together to deal with infections fast.
  4. Rose hip flower oil: This ingredient contains Vitamin C, retinol as well as essential fatty acids which strengthen brittle nails which have been destroyed by fungus.
  5. Menthol: Menthol is known to have natural analgesic and antipruritic properties which reduce itching relieving minor pain.

Judging from the above ingredients, it’s accurate to conclude that Funginix works since it contains all the ingredients necessary to deal with nail fungus conclusively.

Who is Funginix meant for?

It is suitable for you if;

  1. You are looking for a nail fungus treatment that will eradicate the problem once and for all i.e. you want to make sure you never have nail fungus again.
  2. You are looking for a nail fungus treatment made up of 100% natural ingredients.
  3. You want a nail fungus treatment that doesn’t attract any side effects.
  4. You are looking for nail fungus treatment that works faster than most products in the market today without compromising on effectiveness.

Funginix isn’t for you if;

  1. If you have severe nail fungus. If that’s the case, you need to see a doctor.

Why Funginix is your best option

It is important to note that there are two main ways to get rid of nail fungus namely; using topical products or pills.

Oral pills work perfectly when used for treating nail fungus however most oral pills prescribed for nail fungus treatment take too long to deal with the problem effectively i.e. approximately 18 months to kill nail fungus completely.

Within this time, you will have skipped doses or gotten tired of taking the medication. Oral pills aren’t therefore ideal in most instances. Also, prolonged intake of antifungal pills has been associated with internal organ damage i.e. liver damage.

Since it is a topical solution, you don’t have to worry about such problems. This makes the best solution for nail fungus treatment.

Main pros and cons

Having discussed this formula, the ingredients, who the treatment is meant for, why it’s the best options among other information, let’s now shift our focus to the main pros and cons of Funginix;


  1. Funginix has no side effects. Since the treatment is made of 100% natural ingredients, you don’t have to worry about your safety. It’s important to note that chemical additives in most antifungal treatments are the ones responsible for causing adverse side effects.
  2. The treatment deals with the nail fungus once and for all. According to many customer reviews, you don’t need to ever worry about nail fungus again when you use it.
  3. The treatment comes with a money-back guarantee. You therefore don’t have to worry about losing any money when you buy it. If you don’t like the treatment after buying it and using it for some time, you can return if and get a full refund.
  4. Its affordable compared to other nail fungus treatments in the market today. For instance, one month’s supply of Funginix treatment costs $49.95. This is way cheaper than what most topical treatments cost today.
  5. It has a very high success rate. Judging from numerous customer reviews online, Funginix is undoubtedly one of the most effective nail fungus treatments in the market today.


Although it’s extremely hard to find any negative reviews about Funginix online, there are still a few cons the most notable revolving around counterfeits.

  1. Counterfeits: One of the main cons revolves around the availability of counterfeits. Since Funginix is sourced online, there are a number of websites selling counterfeit treatments which are responsible for the few negative reviews touching on ineffectiveness. This explains why it’s advisable to buy the treatment from the official website.

Final Thoughts

From the above information, you shouldn’t have a problem answering the question; what is the best nail fungus product in the market today.

Funginix stands out in every aspect from effectiveness to safety and affordability. Although the treatment may have counterfeit issues, this problem can be solved easily by buying the treatment from the official website only.