How Long Does Nail Fungus Treatment Last? Top 8 Toe Fungus Home Remedies

How long does nail fungus treatment last? That may depend on what kind of treatment you are using!How Long Does Nail Fungus Treatment Last

The best toe fungus treatments are supposed to take the shortest time (typically a few weeks) to get rid of toenail fungus. They are also supposed to deal with the problem completely with no chances of reinfection.

If you’re interested in discovering the best toe fungus cure, look no further. Below is a discussion of treatments that are capable of dealing with all mild toe fungus symptoms conclusively at home. Once you choose these treatments, you can forget about nail inflammation, yellowing, swelling, crumbling and thickening.

The treatments also deal with pain. Below are 8 effective ways of getting rid of toenail fungus at home.

  1. Apple cider vinegar: This is by far one of the best toenail fungus remedies given the fact that apple cider vinegar has acidic properties and also because it is capable of preventing the spread of toenail fungus. Also, apple cider vinegar has been proven to kill bacteria and fungi. When using apple cider vinegar to get rid of toenail fungus, mix equal measures of water and apple cider vinegar. Soak your feet in the resulting solution for approximately 30 minutes daily. Do this daily for one week and notice the difference. You can consider another option with this remedy i.e. making an anti-fungal exfoliating scrub using apple cider vinegar and rice flour which has been coarsely ground (Use a few spoons of apple cider vinegar). Apply the resulting paste on the affected nail and scrub gently for a few minutes. Do this daily for a week and notice the difference.
  2. Tea tree oil: This is another effective remedy for toe fungus. Tea tree oil is known for its antifungal and antiseptic properties. When using the oil to treat toe fungus, mix several drops of tea tree oil with one teaspoon of coconut or olive oil. Apply the mixture on the affected nail/s using a cotton ball. Leave the mixture for approximately 10 minutes and then scrub gently. You can use an old toothbrush. Repeat this 2-3 times daily until you get rid of all the symptoms. In regards to the question; how long does nail fungus treatment last, this remedy should show favourable results in 2-4 weeks otherwise consider other remedies or visit a doctor.
  3. Baking soda: Baking soda is one of the most popular cleaning components in any household. Although it is usually used for cleaning, it has been proven to be effective for curing toenail fungus. It is also effective in preventing foot odour. To be able to use baking soda effectively in treating toenail fungus, add one to two cups of baking soda, 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide (3%) and one to two cups of Epsom salt to 4 cups of boiling/hot water. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and add white vinegar (1/4 cup). Soak your feet in the resulting mixture for approximately 10 minutes and then wash and dry your feet thoroughly. Repeat this procedure twice daily for a few weeks. Your nail fungus should be gone for good.
  4. White vinegar: White vinegar is a perfect ingredient for fighting nail fungus given the fact that it fights fungus effectively and also helps in restoring skin pH. When using white vinegar to treat nail fungus, mix warm water with white vinegar in the ratio of 1:2. Soak your feet in the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes and then rinse and dry your feet thoroughly. Repeat this process twice daily until all the nail fungus symptoms are gone. In case your skin starts getting irritated, use more water.
  5. Oregano oil: Oil of oregano has antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral, antiparasitic, antifungal and analgesic properties. These properties make the oil very effective in treating toenail fungus. When using oregano oil to treat toenail fungus, mix several drops of oregano oil i.e. two drops with one teaspoon olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the affected nail and leave it for approximately 30 minutes. Rinse off and dry your toe/s thoroughly. Repeat this 1-2 times daily for 3 weeks to experience positive results.
  6. Garlic: Garlic is known for its numerous health benefits. This special herb has also been tested and proven to treat nail fungus. Garlic compounds such as ajoene and allicin have antifungal properties which come in handy in dealing with toenail fungus. When using garlic as a nail fungus treatment, mix white vinegar and garlic oil together in equal measure. Apply the resulting mixture on the infected nail and cover using a bandage. Leave it for a few hours before you remove the bandage. Repeat this daily until the nail/s clear. If garlic oil isn’t available, you can crush garlic and make your own garlic oil by frying the crushed garlic cloves in olive oil.
  7. Lemon juice: Lemon is a very powerful antioxidant. The citric acid found in lemon has antifungal and antiseptic properties making lemon juice a perfect fungal nail treatment. When using lemon juice to treat toe fungus, squeeze lemon juice on the affected nail and leave it for approximately 30 minutes before rinsing using warm water. You can also mix olive oil and lemon juice and then massage the affected nail for a few hours. Olive oil helps to soften the skin while lemon juice helps in controlling the fungal infection. This treatment is very effective for mild nail fungus infections. Using this treatment every day for a few months has been proven to get rid of mild nail fungus.
  8. Lavender oil: Lavender oil is an effective antiseptic capable of fighting away as well as preventing many skin problems. To treat nail fungus with lavender oil, mix tea tree oil and lavender oil in equal measures and then apply the resulting mixture on the infected toenail using a cotton ball. Leave it for approximately 10 minutes and then rinse and dry your toe/s thoroughly. This remedy works very fast i.e. within a few weeks when you repeat the above procedure 2-3 times daily.

Bottom Line

The above information summarises some of the most effective home remedies for toenail fungus. Judging from the above information, it is accurate to conclude that the question; how long does nail fungus treatment last, is solely dependent on the type and frequency of treatment.

After going through the above information, you shouldn’t have a problem choosing a home nail fungus treatment that works for you perfectly. If symptoms persist after using any of the above remedies, you should consider choosing another remedy or consulting your doctor.

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