How To Prevent Future Nail Fungus Infections: 10 Important Habits To Consider
Most people are guilty of neglecting their toes. This is the case mostly among people who don’t wear open-toed sandals often. This shouldn’t be the case though. There are very good reasons why you should keep your toes in perfect condition.
The most notable reason revolves around keeping nail fungus away. One of the worst toenail infections is known as onychomycosis. This infection is considered deadly because it doesn’t go away without treatment unlike many other infections.
When left untreated, onychomycosis spreads uncontrollably destroying all the nails. The infection is also deadly since its painless thus it’s so hard to notice it in its early stages.
Most people come to notice onychomycosis when it’s too late and nothing can be done. This is precisely why it’s important to constantly take care of your toe nails even when they are 100% healthy. Taking good care of your nails constantly is one of the best nail fungus prevention measures.
This leads us to a very important question i.e. how do you prevent nail fungus infections. In case you are interested in the answer to this question among other important information on preventing nail fungus infections, look no further. B
Below is a detailed discussion that will let you know everything you need to know about how to prevent future nail fungus infections.
How to prevent future nail fungus infections
One of the best ways of preventing future nail fungus infections is to maintain good hygiene. This is best done by following certain habits on a daily basis. Below are some of the best habits that will help you keep nail fungus away for good.
Forget about toenail fungus treatment for a moment and consider the effective preventative habits below.
- Wash your hands & feet regularly: This is by far one of the most obvious but commonly overlooked habitual measures for keeping nail fungus at bay. You should wash your hands as many times as possible with soap and water especially after handling dirt, before and after eating, after going to the toilet etc. You should also wash your feet regularly i.e. at least twice every day. The entire process should be thorough i.e. between the toes since this is one of the best hiding places for fungus. You should also dry your toes thoroughly since fungus thrives in warm moist places.
- Keep your hand/toe nails short: This is another effective preventative measure to consider when you want to prevent nail fungus re-infections. Long hand/toe nails offer perfect spots for dirt to accumulate. By trimming your nails regularly, you deny fungus a hiding and breeding place reducing chances of re-infection immensely.
- Wear cotton socks: As mentioned above, fungus thrive in warm and moist places. By wearing cotton socks, you avoid having moist feet which are an important recipe for toenail fungal infections. Cotton is one of the best fabrics for absorbing moisture. Other equally good fabrics include; wool and polypropylene. You should also consider changing your socks often if you have sweaty feet.
- Wear shoes which reduce humidity: It also helps greatly to start wearing shoes which don’t overheat and increase sweating and humidity. Avoid plastic shoes at all costs since they are notorious for overheating. Instead, stick to leather shoes, open shoes etc. It also helps to take off your shoes occasionally during the day.
- Discard old shoes: To prevent future nail fungus infections, you also need to throw away your old shoes since they still harbour nail fungus and are thereby capable of causing a re-infection. Alternatively, you can treat your old shoes using antifungal powders or disinfectants in case you don’t want to discard them for any reason i.e. when you don’t have money to buy new shoes.
- Use antifungal powered or sprays: You can also sprinkle or spray your feet with antifungal sprays or powders to keep fungus away. This habit is highly recommendable since it eliminates all chances of getting nail fungus even if you have sweaty feet and you still want to wear your old shoes.
- Don’t share nail clippers: Although most people share nail clippers without any problems, this practice is highly discouraged if you have suffered from toe nail fungus before. Nail clippers are capable of harbouring nail fungus and spreading them from one person to another. To avoid getting nail fungus again via nail clippers, get your own nail clippers. Alternatively you should wash and disinfect clippers before use.
- Stop using artificial nails and nail polish: Although most people who have had nail fungus before are tempted to use nail polish to hide nail fungus symptoms i.e. discolouring, this habit can trap fungus interfering with proper healing. Artificial nails are also known to do the same thing. They can also cause injury when they aren’t installed properly creating a perfect environment for nail fungus to grow and thrive. Since fungus and germs usually accumulates under nails, avoiding artificial nails reduces the chances of the fungus accessing the inner skin and nails when breakages happen as a result of injury.
- Avoid going barefoot in public places: One of the most common sources of nail fungus is public places with public pools, locker rooms and showers. You should avoid going to such places barefoot as much as possible to prevent future nail fungal infections. You should have sandals or shoes on when stepping on moist places in public areas.
- Go for manicure and pedicures in reputable nail salons: This is the last most important habit to consider in this list when you want to prevent future nail fungus infections. The best nail salons sterilise all their instruments. You are therefore assured of the highest hygiene standards. Since nail fungus can easily be transferred from one person to another by sharing nail clippers among other pedicure and manicure tools, going to a reputable nail salon is an effective way of preventing future nail fungus infections.
So there you have it!
The above information summarises the most effective habits to practice if you want to avoid getting nail fungus infections again. Instead of waiting to get a re-infection and using toe fungus treatment again, prevention is better than cure.
After going through the above information, you shouldn’t have a problem understanding how to prevent future nail fungus infections.
If you are suffering with a fungal infection on your toes or fingers, the disfigurement can affect your self-esteem and self-confidence. It also affects your overall health by creating discomfort, pain and possible infections that may spread to other parts of the body.
Use FUNGINIX on a regular basis to prevent fungi from causing further damage or infections on your fingers and toes. For healthier looking fingernails and healthy looking toenails, apply FUNGINIX as often as once a day.